About HIM
Hub for Investigative Media (HIM) is a fully registered indigenous Ugandan non-governmental organization (NGO) that is active in promoting the knowledge and application of the Access to Information (ATI) Law 2005 and the Access to Information Regulations 2011 in Uganda.
On the other hand, HIM as a media-related entity also conducts trainings for journalists in both investigative journalism and Digital Safety skills.
Todate, we have partnered with both national and international organizations in the implementation of the different activities and projects that we have undertaken so far.
Since 2014 when we became fully operational, we have reached out to 73 districts in Uganda training journalists, local government officials and citizens about the implementation of the provisions of the Access to Information law in Uganda and how these provisions can be of help to them both as duty-bearers and right-holders.
HIM is governed by a Board of Directors with a Chairman and Board members as the highest steering body for the organization.
The day to day work of the organization is led by the Executive Director together with team leaders who head the different departments in the organization.