Category: Pending Requests

Foreign Employees of Speke Hotels, Crane Bank, Crane Management Services & Meera Investments

Foreign Employees of Speke Hotels, Crane Bank, Crane Management Services & Meera Investments

To: Ministry of Internal Affairs

The document should contain a list of all foreign employees of the above-mentioned companies that are registered with the immigration department. Foreign employees of: Speke Hotels Crane Bank Crane Management Services and Meera Investments Document should also indicate the validity of work permits issued to those employees, indicating date of issue and date of expiry of the work permits.

Request for: Foreign Employees of Speke Hotels, Crane Bank, Crane Management Services & Meera Investments

Submitted on: July 22, 2013

Description of the request
The document should contain a list of all foreign employees of the above-mentioned companies that are registered with the immigration department. Foreign employees of: Speke Hotels Crane Bank Crane Management Services and Meera Investments Document should also indicate the validity of work permits issued to those employees, indicating date of issue and date of expiry of the work permits.

Request Details

Ministry of internal affairs IR

Implementation of the disability grant scheme

Implementation of the disability grant scheme

To: Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development

The document should indicate the beneficiaries of the elderly giant scheme in the Financial Year 2012/13, their districts and how much each beneficiary received in the same Financial Year (2012/13).

Request for: Implementation of the disability grant scheme

Submitted on: July 22, 2013 – 10:44am

Description of the request
The document should indicate whether the implementation of the disability giant scheme as indicated in the NRM 2011 Manifesto has began. If so, the document should indicate a list of beneficiaries, their districts and how much they received.

Request Details

Ministry of Gender IR

Elderly Grant Scheme

Elderly Grant Scheme

To: Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development
The document should indicate whether the implementation of the disability giant scheme as indicated in the NRM 2011 Manifesto has began. If so, the document should indicate a list of beneficiaries, their districts and how much they received.

Request for: Elderly Grant Scheme

Submitted on: July 22, 2013

Description of the request
The document should indicate the beneficiaries of the elderly giant scheme in the Financial Year 2012/13, their districts and how much each beneficiary received in the same Financial Year (2012/13).

Request Details

Ministry of Gender IR

Wetlands given to private developers in Kampala

Wetlands given to private developers in Kampala

To: National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)
Request for: Wetlands given to private developers in Kampala
Submitted on: July 20, 2013

The document should indicate all wetlands in kampala that have been approved by NEMA to be used by private developers. Document should also indicate wetlands that are being used illegally by private developers, if any.

Request Details

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Request about WHT remittances in FY 2012/13

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Request about WHT remittances in FY 2012/13

To: The Executive Director KCCA

This Information request sought to access records about compliance of the KCCA with the deductions and remittances of withholding tax (WHT) to the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), as required by law.

Request for: Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Request about WHT remittances in FY 2012/13

Submitted on: July 25, 2014

Background of the request

The Auditor General in his report of March 2014 stated that many MDA’s are not remitting WHT to URA, yet they are supposed to collect it from their suppliers and service providers. With this in mind, HIM sought to find out which MDA’s comply and which do not comply with the WHT procedure. Description of the requestThis Information request sought to access records about compliance of the KCCA with the deductions and remittances of withholding tax (WHT) to the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), as required by law.

Request Details


Request Updates

Jul 25, 2014This Information Request was filed on 26th June 2014, but it has up to now not been responded to.

Information about remittances of withholding tax by the National Drug Authority

Information about remittances of withholding tax by the National Drug Authority

To: Executive Director NDA
This Information Request to the National Drug Authority (NDA) sought to access records of deductions and remittances of WHT to the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).

Request for: Information about remittances of withholding tax by the National Drug Authority

Submitted on: July 25, 2014

Background of the request
In his report of March 2014, the Auditor General stated that some MDA’s were deducting WHT (a 6 % tax made on all payments to suppliers and service providers), but were not remitting it to URA. In view of that, HIM decided to find out which MDA does or doesn’t follow the WHT procedure.

Description of the request
This Information Request to the National Drug Authority (NDA) sought to access records of deductions and remittances of WHT to the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).

Request Details


Request Updates
Jul 25, 2014
This Information Request was filed on 30th June 2014, but it has not yet been responded to.

Request to Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)

Request to Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)

To: Executive Director UNBS
Request for: Request to Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)
Submitted on: July 25, 2014

Background of the request
In his Report of March 2014, the Auditor General stated that most government MDA’s (Ministries, Departments and Agencies) were collecting WHT from their suppliers, but not remitting it to the URA account as is supposed to be. With this in mind, HIM made several Information Requests to MDA’s seeking to access their WHT records and ascertain which of the MDA’s complied with the WHT procedure and which didn’t.

Description of the request
This Information Request to UNBS sought to access the records of deductions and remittances of Withholding Tax (WHT), which was deducted from the UNBS suppliers in the FY 2012-13, to the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) account in Bank of Uganda.

Request Details


Uganda Land Fund Records

Uganda Land Fund Records

To: Uganda Land Commission
List of individuals/ entities that have so far been paid off by the Uganda Land Fund and the amount of money each of these individuals/ entities have been paid and for which land (location and acreage) this money has been paid. The list should clearly indicate the dates, names of individuals/ entities, amounts involved in each transaction and modes of payment.

Request for: Uganda Land Fund Records

Submitted on: August 10, 2013

Background of the request
This Information Request was filed after receiving complaints from different individuals that the Uganda Land Fund which was basically established to pay off absentee landlords, was being misappropriated. Paying off absentee landlords would enable the current tenants of the land gain ownership and be able to develop that land. After denying us access to these records, HIM has sued government, and the case will be heard on 26th February, 2014.

Description of the request
List of individuals/ entities that have so far been paid off by the Uganda Land Fund and the amount of money each of these individuals/ entities have been paid and for which land (location and acreage) this money has been paid. The list should clearly indicate the dates, names of individuals/ entities, amounts involved in each transaction and modes of payment.

Request Details

Uganda Land Commission IR and Response

Request Updates
Nov 20, 2013
ULC refused to disclose this information claiming that information of this nature is exempted under section 33 of the ATI act. Case taken to court. Hearing of the case scheduled for 26th February 2014.

Individuals that have benefited from the State House scholarships

Individuals that have benefited from the State House scholarships

To: State House of Uganda
Request for: Individuals that have benefited from the State House scholarships
Submitted on: August 10, 2013

Description of the request
A list of all individuals that have benefited from the above mentioned scheme indicating which institutions and how much per head for every individual has been paid between 2007 to date. Document should also include the criteria followed in identifying the beneficiaries of the State House scholarships before they are granted.

Request Details

State House IR

Government-Sponsored events held at Kampala Sheraton Hotel

Government-Sponsored events held at Kampala Sheraton Hotel

To: Kampala Sheraton Hotel
Request for: Government-Sponsored events held at Kampala Sheraton Hotel
Submitted on: August 10, 2013 – 5:59pm

Description of the request
A list of all conferences, dialogues and other events that have been sponsored by the government of Uganda, state bodies and state agencies that have been held in this hotel with in the period October 2012 – April 2013. The document should also indicate which state body or agency held an event at which date and how much the state body or agency paid to Kampala Sheraton Hotel for hosting that particular event, giving a breakdown of items and costs.

Request Details

Sheraton Hotel IR