Category: Projects



Hub for Investigative Media (HIM) is implementing a project on the promotion of knowledge, usage and application of the Access to Information for 18 months with support from the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF). The project that began in August 2018 pursues three (3) specific objectives to realize its intended goal,namely:

(i) To strengthen citizens’ engagements in promoting government accountability through ATI;
(ii) To increase participation of citizens in decision making in line with ATI for responsive government programs; and
(iii) To increase involvement of citizens in identifying community ATI concerns and fundamental response.

DGF-HIM ProjectOne of the major purposes of the Access to Information Act 2005 is the promotion of an efficient, effective, transparent and accountable government. The same also empowers citizens to effective scrutinize and participate in government decisions that affect them.

The engagements during the project are targeting local government leaders, journalists and the public with special attention to youths, women and people with disabilities. Comprehensive knowledge on channels for accessing public information beyond LC 1 chairpersons and the District Information Officer/Offices shall be publicized. Awareness campaigns, capacity building and logistical support are being prioritized so as to create functional community structures.

The project is engaging communities in building sustainable structures which will continually evolve into the community knowledge base for information on citizens’ rights to access information in their community. This will also address gaps on the required government accountability mechanisms as well as procedures for accessing public information from leaders.

DGF-HIM ProjectThe project also focuses on building capacity of local leaders and developing sustainable community structures that will strengthen the responsibility of local leaders in providing government accountability towards Citizens. The ideal structures are to be integrated so as to promote knowledge on ATI as well as engage in advocacy for strengthened government accountability.

The project’s major focus is on building sustainable community voices and action related platforms that will work with duty bearers to enable citizens to actively take part in raising community concerns and issues about Access to Information (ATI). There is need to develop/strengthen community level structures that will enhance public accountability and step up the monitoring function of public services. The project will take up initiatives including logistical support towards activating these structures for improved participation of citizens. The project also engages and builds capacity of community leaders in undertaking participatory decision making.

DGF-HIM ProjectThe project puts in place more youth and the public targeted empowerment initiatives and strategies to enable them understand the mechanism for their involvement in government decision making for improvement in responsive and inclusive government decision-making process and service delivery.



This project covers 30 districts divided into 6 clusters
Central I cluster
Central II cluster
Western I cluster
Western II cluster
Northern cluster
Eastern cluster

Digital Safety Programme

Digital Safety Programme

HIM’s digital safety programme targets journalists and other Human Rights Defenders (HRD’s) and we offer them training on how to remain safe in the digital world, how to secure their online presence and how to work with the new digital tools that keep evolving with time.

In this endeavor, we have so far trained 254 journalists and HRD’s from different districts of the country. We have also set up a pool of 30 Digital Safety trainers located in different parts of the country to cater for those specific regions.

Our Digital Safety programme has been highly supported by Deutsche Welle Akademie (DWA), the training arm of German’s oldest broadcaster, Deutsche Welle. DWA has supported HIM to develop a Digital Safety App, Weekume App, which provides different DigSec solutions to it’s beneficiaries.



In May 2015, Hub for Investigative Media (HIM) went in to a partnership with Deutsche Welle Akademie (DWA) to train journalists in digital safety, access to information and investigative journalism skills. The project also focused on engaging local government officials on their obligation to provide information as stipulated in the provisions of Uganda’s Access to Information (ATI) Act of 2005.

DW-HIM ProjectIn line with the activities that were envisaged in the project, a matrix was developed by both DWA and HIM to help track those activities and to ensure that the targeted project beneficiaries are reached and the intended project impact is realized.

A plan was drawn to outline the priorities and activities of Hub for Investigative Media for the implementation of the project seeking to ensure that all Journalists / bloggers exercise their control and review function, and use it through sustainable structures in the areas of research and safety. As a general overview of the plan, HIM implemented the project in a phased approach.

DW-HIM ProjectPhase one of the project focused on laying a foundation for the project. The planned activities under this period were geared towards developing the interest among journalists in the areas of investigative journalism and digital safety of journalist in 12 districts in the country, plus training of journalists and building an informal network of such journalist and bloggers. To ensure efficient and effective management of the project, phase I also focused on strengthening the HIM structures through enhancing the capacities of the staff for the project and equipment for HIM. One major aspect of this engagement was the developing of the HIM Strategic Plan 2015-2018 which has guided the project activities as well as growth of HIM structures in this project period. Phase 1 activities were conducted in 2015

The second phase ran through 2016 to 2018 focusing on consolidating HIM as a focal point of Access to Information, Investigative journalism and digital safety of journalists. Building on phase I activities such as the trainings that were conducted in that period, HIM together with the journalists and the guidance of DWA jointly developed a plan towards ensuring that investigative journalism is understood and practiced and overall, HIM gradually evolved into a competence center for Access to Information, digital safety and investigative reporting for journalists using the ATI tools.

DW-HIM ProjectAs part of the project, HIM organized short practical training sessions on various aspects of project planning for its staff in 2015. These were intended to enhance the staff capacity and skills in Project Planning and Management. It was also expected that with such skills and know-how, the staff would more ably impact in rolling out the project and public engagements as they implemented the programme. The skills that the HIM staff got from those and the subsequent training sessions have been very vital pillars for HIM as an organization that have immensely contributed to its growth as it stands now.

The HIM/DWA Project 2015-2018 laid a great foundation for HIM as an organization and it is that foundation that HIM continues to build on with other partners in the implementation of its projects in the digital security, access to information and investigative skills areas.