To: Executive Director UNBS
Request for: Request to Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)
Submitted on: July 25, 2014

Background of the request
In his Report of March 2014, the Auditor General stated that most government MDA’s (Ministries, Departments and Agencies) were collecting WHT from their suppliers, but not remitting it to the URA account as is supposed to be. With this in mind, HIM made several Information Requests to MDA’s seeking to access their WHT records and ascertain which of the MDA’s complied with the WHT procedure and which didn’t.

Description of the request
This Information Request to UNBS sought to access the records of deductions and remittances of Withholding Tax (WHT), which was deducted from the UNBS suppliers in the FY 2012-13, to the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) account in Bank of Uganda.

Request Details